We all know cats have nine lives, but it’s time for them to earn the tenth one by being captured in the best possible light.

Why cats?

Cats are beautiful and unique, and they make great models. They’re also a popular subject for Cat Photographer Minneapolis, so if you want to pursue this hobby, consider starting with cats. You can train your cat to pose for you in several different ways: by giving them treats or toys, playing with them or just interacting with them naturally as if you were taking pictures of any other animal.

Cats are fun to photograph because they have their own personalities and characteristics–and they won’t always do exactly what you want! But that’s part of the challenge; figuring out how best to capture an image will keep your photography interesting as well as rewarding when it comes together perfectly (or not).

When did you know this was the work you wanted to do?

When did you know this was the work you wanted to do?

I’ve always been interested in photography and started taking photos when I was a teenager. When I moved out on my own, I had two cats, but they were very shy and wouldn’t let me take their picture. Then one day, one of them finally decided that he liked me enough to let me take his photograph! Once he did that, it became easy for me to get good shots of both cats because they trusted me enough not to run away when I approached them with my camera pointed at them (or at least no longer ran away as quickly).

I like the challenge of capturing their personalities through photos and showing people how beautiful cats are–they’re often overlooked compared to dogs or other pets in terms of cuteness factor!

What are some challenges of photographing cats?

There are some challenges to photographing cats, but they can be overcome.

Cats are not always cooperative. They may hide from the camera or be shy, so you have to work with them carefully and patiently if you want your photos to come out well.

Cats tend to be more independent than dogs, which means that they won’t follow directions like dogs will sometimes do (this isn’t always true – some cats love being photographed!). You’ll need patience when photographing cats because it takes time for them to get used to being around cameras and lights before they’ll start acting as naturally as we’d like them too.

Why is it important to capture cat’s personalities in their photos?

Capturing your cat’s personality is important for a few reasons. First of all, it helps you connect with your feline friend in a way that can be hard to do when you don’t see them all day. Photos give us an opportunity to slow down and interact with our cats in a different way than we normally would (and vice versa).

Secondly, it’s important to capture the unique characteristics of each individual kitty so that if they ever get lost or stolen from their home, their owners can use those images as an identifier for potential adopters or rescuers who may find them wandering around town looking for food or shelter.

And finally, if something is wrong with your beloved furry companion–whether it be an injury or illness–having photos taken at different times during recovery can help veterinarians diagnose what’s going on with him/her much more easily than just relying on memory alone!

How long does a photo shoot with a cat typically last, and what does that process look like?

The duration of a photo shoot with a cat varies greatly depending on the individual animal. Some cats are very shy, which means that they may not want to be held and photographed for more than a few minutes at a time. Other cats are more friendly and cooperative, and will allow themselves to be held for longer periods of time without becoming anxious or stressed out–even if they don’t like being picked up!

The activity level of your pet is also important when considering how long it will take for him or her to get used to being photographed by humans who aren’t his owner (and therefore not familiar). If your cat is naturally active, then he might need more time than others before he begins relaxing enough so that you can get good shots of him looking his best.*

What precautions do you take to ensure you get great photos of your subjects?

To ensure you get great photos of your subjects, there are a few things to consider. First, make sure the cat is comfortable. Cats are better at posing when they feel safe and secure in their environment, so make sure they have access to water and food if needed. Second, make sure that your model is in good mood–cats can be fickle! If they’re not feeling it (or if you happen upon one who doesn’t like having their photo taken), find another subject or try again another day. Thirdly: don’t forget about distractions! Cats love playing with toys as much as humans do; make sure there aren’t any around before starting a shoot so that your model doesn’t get distracted by something else while trying out new poses for themselfs/you.. Lastly: keep an eye on temperature levels throughout shooting sessions; remember how sensitive these creatures are about being too hot or cold–and keep an eye out for signs that either might be happening (like panting).

What are some helpful tips for cat parents who are trying to take gorgeous photos of their furry friends at home?

  • Have a good camera and lighting.
  • Get your cat to relax–you want them to be comfortable in their environment, so keep things low-key and don’t try anything too new or exciting until you’ve built up trust with your pet.
  • Get your cat looking at the camera or at you–this is especially important when it comes time for portraits! You can do this by enticing them with treats or toys, but sometimes just having one person holding out an object while another person takes photos works well too! If all else fails, try putting on some music that they enjoy (or even singing!) and see if that gets them interested enough in what’s going on around them so their attention doesn’t drift away from where it should be: right behind those big green eyes of theirs!

A cat photographer captures the best side of your kitty.

When it comes to capturing your cat’s personality and beauty, a professional cat photographer is the way to go. A professional cat photographer will get the best side of your kitty through their expert eye and experience. They’re also passionate about cats, so they’ll understand how to make them look their best!

If you want to hire a professional cat photographer in Minneapolis or St Paul, contact us today at [email protected]


I love working with cats, and I’m always excited to meet new furry friends. If you have a cat who needs some photos taken, contact me today!