If you’re a cigar aficionado, you will likely always seek a unique and satisfying smoking experience, that’s where Djarum cigars come in. Made with high-quality tobacco and infused with clove, these cigars offer a rich and flavorful taste that’s sure to satisfy.
In this article, we’ll explore the world of Djarum cigars, from their history and production to the varieties available and how to enjoy them.
History and Production
Djarum is a popular Indonesian brand producing clove cigarettes since the 1950s. In the 1970s, the company expanded its offerings to include clove cigars. They have been a hit with cigar enthusiasts ever since. Djarum cigars are made with a blend of high-quality tobacco and cloves, which gives them their signature flavor and aroma.
The tobacco is carefully selected and processed to ensure a smooth and satisfying smoke. At the same time, the cloves add a unique spiciness that sets Djarum apart from other cigar brands.
Varieties Available
Tobacco Stock offers a wide range of Djarum cigars to suit different tastes and preferences. One of our most popular products is the Djarum Black Filtered Clove Cigars, which come in packs of 10 and contain 12 cigars per pack. These cigars are made with a blend of Indonesian and Caribbean tobacco and are infused with natural clove flavor. They have a medium-bodied taste and a smooth finish, perfect for any occasion.
In addition to Djarum Black Filtered Clove Cigars, we offer other Djarum varieties that cater to different tastes and preferences. For instance, Djarum Special Clove Cigars are perfect for those who enjoy a bolder smoke. These cigars feature a blend of high-quality tobacco and clove, with a rich, full-bodied taste that will leave a lasting impression.
If you’re in the mood for a more exotic smoking experience, consider trying Djarum Bali Hai Clove Cigars. These cigars are made with a unique blend of tobacco and exotic spices, with cinnamon, cardamom, and clove notes. The result is a sweet and spicy flavor profile that’s truly one-of-a-kind.
How to Enjoy Djarum Cigars
Now that you know about the different varieties of Djarum cigars available, let’s discuss how to enjoy them. Like any cigar, it’s important to properly light and smoke your Djarum cigar to appreciate its flavor and aroma fully.
- First, ensure you have a proper cigar cutter to cut off the cigar cap.
- Then, use a lighter or match to toast the foot of the cigar gently.
- As you light the cigar, take slow and steady draws to ensure an even burn.
- Avoid inhaling the smoke, as this can be harsh on your lungs and throat.
- As you smoke your Djarum cigar, pay attention to the flavors and aromas that come through.
Depending on the variety of cigars you’re smoking, you may notice notes of clove, spice, and even hints of sweetness. Take your time and savor each puff to appreciate the unique smoking experience that Djarum offers fully.
Where to Buy Djarum Cigars
Tobacco Stock is the perfect place to start if you’re interested in trying Djarum cigars for yourself. We offer a wide range of Djarum cigar varieties, including Djarum Black Filtered Clove Cigars, Djarum Special Clove Cigars, and Djarum Bali Hai Clove Cigars. You can easily browse our selection and order online, and we’ll deliver your cigars right to your doorstep.
In conclusion, Djarum cigars offer a unique smoking experience with a rich and flavorful taste that’s sure to satisfy. Whether you prefer the bold and spicy taste of Djarum Special Clove Cigars or the exotic sweetness of Djarum Bali Hai Clove Cigars, there’s a variety of Djarum cigars perfect for you. So why not try them and experience the taste of clove-flavored cigars for yourself?