NDIS plan Managers

After pursuing your nursing course, you might want to start your NDIS service company or work as an NDIS service provider. Individuals with disabilities benefit from the NDIS (national disability insurance scheme) by accessing the necessary support and money. However, you can easily find customers and operate your NDIS support agency as a caregiver or support worker. Here are the steps you can take to become one of the registered NDIS providers in Australia.

Start with Application 

Visit the NDIS provider portal to begin your application. Pick the registration groups or types of services your agency offers. You will need to include contact info about your agency’s structure, key personnel, and place of operation. Complete a self-evaluation against the NDIS practice standards and upload the documents as proof. 

Choose a Certified Auditor

Choose a certified quality auditor to conduct the auditing. The NDIS will send the initial scope of the audit with information about the registration requirements that apply to your agency. That will confirm if your company needs a certification or verification audit.

Certification Audit

If you offer complicated and high-risk services and support, you must complete a certification audit. In that case, you will be evaluated against the NDIS practice standards like the core module and all modules relevant to the kind of support you offer. 

Assessment includes core abilities like:

  • Risk management 
  • Support delivery
  • Delivery environment 
  • Operational and governance management 

Verification Audit 

If you offer lower complexity or lower risk services and support, your organization will undergo the verification audit. This includes if you are subject to professional regulation as a prerequisite of operating a business and have proven to meet the same standards. 

In that case, you can engage a certified auditor to do a desktop review of all documents required to present as evidence of your skills. 

The evidence to present includes:

  • Relevant qualification
  • Info about experience and expertise
  • Outline the core policies and processes, such as risk management, incident management, and complaints management 

The auditor will consider the size and scale of the organization. They’ll also pay attention to the complexity and scope of the services you intend to offer. They’ll work with you to ensure you understand their findings and offer you a chance to ask questions or clarify. The audit results are then sent to the NDIS commission online. 


The NDIS plan Managers will scrutinize the audit and complete a suitability evaluation of your agency and key personnel. They will tell you if the application was successful, explaining why it was accepted or declined. 

The Results

If your application is successful, you will get a certificate of registration showing the support or services you are eligible to offer and any terms or conditions you need to follow. This means you’ll be added to the list of registered NDIS providers. However, you can request a review within three months if your application is declined. 

Many NDIS providers remain unregistered since the registration process is lengthy and tiring. However, that shouldn’t be your problem since you know the steps involved.

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