Key to Always Healthy Life

Key to Always Healthy Life – National Nutrition Day is held on January 25 every year. The point of Nutrition Day is to make more people aware of how important it is for the people of Indonesia to eat well-balanced foods.

“National Nutrition Day is celebrated every year,” said dr. Juwalita Surapsari, M.Gizi, Sp.GK, a nutritionist, at a Tokopedia Media Gathering in Jakarta on January 24, 2023, called “Welcoming National Nutrition Day 2023. Tokopedia and Nutritionists Talk about Healthy, Modern Food Trends” in honour of National Nutrition Day.

Balanced nutrition is an important point to protect the body from various diseases. Every day we need to meet nutritional needs to ensure that the body is maintained healthy.

Not only does it have an effect on preventing the body from getting sick. For those of you who have already been affected by an illness it is also important to fulfill your nutrition.

“Nutrition prevents disease, but also when people already have certain diseases. It usually has something to do with what they eat,” said Dr. Juwalita.

Of course, many questions arise regarding how to get balanced nutrition for everyone. Reported by Sumber Referensi Perjalanan, Doctor Juwalita provides tips for fulfilling balanced nutrition in everyday life.

Dietary habit

A healthy diet is one that gets the right amount of nutrition from what is eaten. Everything you eat, including carbs, protein, and even fat, must be in proportion to the amount you have.

“Don’t forget that fat is also important. If we are on a diet, don’t use any fat at all. So, keep eating fat, but choose healthy fats so that all your nutritional needs are met,” Dr. Juwalita said.

Watch what you eat

It’s important to keep your weight at the right level. If you want to keep the same weight, you can eat well. Having the right body weight can also help the body’s metabolism work better.

Put local food sources first

We can eat healthy foods to meet our nutritional needs. Don’t forget that there are many places we can get healthy food. For example, cassava can be used instead of rice to make a healthier carbohydrate.

In Indonesia, it’s easy to find cassava. Most of the time, it can also be used instead of wheat flour, making mokaf or cassava flour a healthier choice.

Important Reasons for Healthy Living Need to Be Applied

The number of celebrities or public figures who have successfully lived a healthy life has made many people interested in living it. Just imagine, a beautiful body, flawless skin and a beautiful face seem to be complete evidence shown by these public celebrities. More than that, there are important reasons that make a healthy life why it is necessary to be implemented by many people.

The following review will display the explanation.

Healthier mind

Mood and cognitive ability greatly affect the health of the body. If there are too many thoughts and pressure lodged in the brain, then the body will be affected by a decrease in endurance. A healthy lifestyle prioritises high nutritious intake. These foods then help meet the nutritional needs of the brain, so that the brain is healthier and less prone to depression. This is in accordance with the results of research by the American Journal of Psychiatry.

Abundant energy and stamina

A healthy lifestyle encourages the body to be actively moving, in addition to high nutritious food intake. This activity can help the process of converting food calories into energy optimally. In addition, exercise will also make your physical strength stronger and healthier. According to a report from Science Daily, doing 30 minutes of exercise every day can help increase stamina in the body by up to 20 percent.

Prevent disease

The research team from the Mayo Clinic explains that exercising for 30 minutes per day can increase the body’s endurance better. Not to mention the selection of a healthy and nutrient-rich diet can further strengthen the body’s immunity. You and your family will feel that you have a fit body and are less likely to get sick when you adopt this healthy lifestyle.

Makes skin more beautiful

This is the point that makes celebrities so beautiful after living a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet prioritises more fruit and vegetable intake. This food is a source of fibre which is needed by the body to expedite the digestive process. It doesn’t stop there, fruits and vegetables are also rich in vitamins which are very good for skin health. For example, vitamin A to nourish the skin, hair, nails and eyes. While vitamin C is very important to prevent free radicals that can accelerate the premature ageing process.

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